Code and Software

On this page, you find information about various software packages and APIs that aid the execution of automated and autonomous experimentation. Please reach out to have your software featured.

DataFed is a scientific data management system aimed at facilitating seamless cross-facility and cross-institutional data collaboration.

CAMLink, a project developed within CAMERA, provides API level support for requesting communication paths between disparate services.

Flexible, Powerful, HPC-Ready and User-Friendly Gaussian-Process-Based Autonomous Discovery.

ESCALATE (Experiment Specification, Capture and Laboratory Automation Technology)

The mystic framework provides a collection of optimization algorithms and tools that allows the user to more robustly (and easily) solve hard optimization problems.

Summit, a python package dedicated to machine-learning driven optimization of chemical reactions.

The Automated Recommendation Tool leverages machine learning and probabilistic modeling techniques to guide synthetic biology in a systematic fashion.